Kouloglou submits question to EC regarding allegations of abductions and torture by greek police


MEP Stelios Kouloglou submitted a written question to the European Commission, on the occasion of the recent incidents of police violence as well as the testimonies about Latin American style kidnappings and tortures in the police HQ in Athens Greece, which were published in the “Efimerida ton Sintakton” newspaper.

The SYRIZA MEP quotes the relevant articles of the European Conventions on Human Rights (ECHR) as well as Article 19 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and asks the Commission if it will «seek explanations from the Greek government for practices against European law».

The written question:

Countless incidents of excessive and unjustified police violence have been recorded with video cameras in recent days in Greece (1). Dozens of citizens, even minors, were taken in custody to the Police Department, their right to contact a lawyer or their parents was violated while their phones were confiscated. The incidents started when the police brutally beat a citizen in a central square of Athens.

The detainees complain that they were tortured, while one of them said that he was abducted a day later: “A motorbike stopped in front of me with two people wearing hoods. I showed my identity, in seconds a car without license plates arrived next to me. They tied me with handcuffs, put a hood on my head and put me in the car with punches and kicks.» (2)


-torture is prohibited under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and Article 19 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

-The right of direct communication with a lawyer is provided by Article 3 of Directive 2013/48 / EU and minors are entitled to special protection.

-The authorities are obliged to inform the arrested the reason for the arrest based on No. 5 of the ECHR

Will the Commission seek explanations from the Greek government for practices contrary to European law?

(1) https://tvxs.gr/news/ellada/astynomiki-mania-sti-nea-smyrni-pame-na-toys-skotosoyme-binteo [EN translation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1__OxZQi7fqJsr2SCAkn2fql4HGbnWame_wmX2BAX6UA/edit?usp=sharing]

(2) https://www.efsyn.gr/politiki/synenteyxeis/285714_moy-eipan-tha-biasoyme-mehri-kai-koytabi-soy

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